Politika privatnosti stranice Onlinepeticija.com

Voditelj obrade podataka

Voditelj obrade za pojedinačne peticije

Za svaku peticiju, rukovalac podacima je odgovarajući autor peticije koji određuje svrhe i sredstva obrade ličnih podataka. Molimo provjerite politiku privatnosti peticije za koju ste zainteresirani.

Naša kompanija djeluje kao Izvršilac obrade podataka, što znači da obrađujemo lične podatke u ime autora peticije, koji je Kontrolor podataka.

Voditelj obrade podataka za ostale podatke prikupljene na našoj web stranici

Petitions24 Oy (Petitions.net)
Vaša privatnost je važna. 1. Uvod Mi, [[[company_name]]], pružamo usluge hostinga za online peticije unutar EU. Djelujemo kao obrađivač podataka, dok su autori peticija voditelji obrade podataka. Autori odlučuju šta se traži od potpisnika, svrhe za obradu ličnih podataka i odlučuju koliko dugo će lični podaci biti pohranjeni. 2. Podaci koje obrađujemo Kao obrađivač podataka, možemo obrađivati sljedeće vrste ličnih podataka na zahtjev autora peticija: - Ime - Prezime - Email adresa - Adresa - Telefonski broj - IP adresa - Drugi podaci koje autori smatraju potrebnim 3. Svrha obrade podataka Svrhe za koje se vaši lični podaci obrađuju definirane su od strane autora peticija i mogu uključivati, ali se ne ograničavaju na: - Podršku određenoj peticiji - Komunikaciju s potpisnicima - Analizu i izvještavanje o podršci za peticiju 4. Pohrana podataka Trajanje pohrane vaših ličnih podataka određuju autori peticija. Nakon isteka tog perioda, vaši podaci će biti izbrisani ili anonimizirani, sukladno našim politikama i primjenjivim zakonima. 5. Prava ispitanika Kao ispitanik, imate određena prava u vezi s obradom vaših ličnih podataka, uključujući: - Pravo na pristup - Pravo na ispravku - Pravo na brisanje - Pravo na ograničenje obrade - Pravo na prenosivost podataka - Pravo na prigovor Ako imate bilo kakva pitanja o našoj politici privatnosti ili načinu na koji obrađujemo vaše podatke, slobodno nas kontaktirajte na [[[contact_information]]].
00101 Helsinki

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Promjene u našoj politici privatnosti

Naša politika privatnosti može biti povremeno ažurirana. Preporučujemo da ga povremeno pregledate.

Zadnje ažuriranje: 2024-08-08

Kako obrađujemo vaše lične podatke u različitim situacijama

U svakoj situaciji nastojimo pojasniti:

  • Koje lične podatke prikupljamo
  • Kako ga prikupljamo
  • Zašto obrađujemo vaše lične podatke
  • Pravna osnova za obradu vaših ličnih podataka
  • Koliko dugo zadržavamo lične podatke

Kada kreirate peticiju

  • Koje lične podatke obrađujete o meni i kako ih prikupljate?
    • Lični podaci koje sami pružate
      • Vaše ime
      • E-mail adresa
      • Država
    • Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
      • IP adresa
      • Rezolucija ekrana
      • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
      • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Koja je pravna osnova i svrha za obradu mojih ličnih podataka?
    • Izvršenje ugovora u sljedećim slučajevima:
      • To identify you
      • To contact you.
      • To display your name on the petition page.
    • Pravna obaveza u sljedećim slučajevima:
      • We will process your data when we have a legal obligation to do so, for example, if we are responding to legal process or an enforceable governmental request.
  • Koliko dugo ćete čuvati moje lične podatke?
    • Your personal data related to the petition is stored until the petition is either deleted by you or by our team.
  • Kako štitite moje lične podatke?
    • Organizacione mjere
      • Employee training
      • Our workers only have access to the data that is needed for their work.
    • Tehničke mjere
      • We use Security Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to encrypt all the data before it travels over the internet.
      • Firewalls
      • Daily backups
      • Passwords are not saved in clear text. We calculate hash sums of the passwords and use salts.
  • Frequently asked questions

Kada potpišete peticiju ili uredite svoj potpis

  • Lični podaci koje sami pružate
    • The author of each petition determines what information is requested from the signatories. Molimo provjerite politiku privatnosti peticije za koju ste zainteresirani.
  • Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Svrha
    • The author of each petition determines the purposes for processing the personal data of the signatories. Molimo provjerite politiku privatnosti peticije za koju ste zainteresirani.
  • Pravni osnov
    • Consent of the data subject
  • Koliko dugo ćete čuvati moje lične podatke?
    • The author of each petition determines the retention period for the personal data of the signatories. Molimo provjerite politiku privatnosti peticije za koju ste zainteresirani.
  • Roles and Responsibilities:
    • Naša kompanija djeluje kao Izvršilac obrade podataka, što znači da obrađujemo lične podatke u ime autora peticije, koji je Kontrolor podataka. The Data Controller is responsible for deciding what data is collected, why it is collected, and how long it is retained. As the Data Processor, we manage the technical aspects of this process, including data storage, security, and processing.
  • Frequently asked questions

When you send a message to the author of a petition

  • Lični podaci koje sami pružate
    • Ime
    • E-mail adresa
    • Content of the Message
  • Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Svrha
    • To enable communication between the author and individuals interested in the topic of the petition.
  • Pravni osnov
    • Consent of the data subject
  • Data Retention
    • Najviše 5 godina
  • How is my personal data shared?
    • The author of the petition will receive the information provided in the contact form.

Kada kreirate ili uređujete korisnički račun

  • Lični podaci koje sami pružate
    • Ime
    • E-mail adresa
    • Grad
    • Država
  • Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Svrha
    • Email address is used for communication with you.
    • The email address serves as the username for your account.
    • To manage your user account
    • To pre-fill the signature forms
    • To manage petitions you have created
    • To manage your own signatures
  • Pravni osnov
    • Consent of the data subject
  • Data Retention
    • Retained as long as the user account is active.

When you buy an advertising campaign

  • Lični podaci koje sami pružate
    • Vaše ime
    • Vaša e-mail adresa
    • Your country
  • Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Svrha
    • Country information is used to determine the vat rate.
    • Email address is used for communication with you.
      • Example 1: We send a message when the advertising campaign starts.
      • Example 2: We send a message when the advertising campaign ends.
  • How is my personal data shared?
    • We share your name and country with our bookkeeper and with our auditor.
  • Pravni osnov
    • Execution of a contract
    • Comply with law.
  • Koliko dugo ćete čuvati moje lične podatke?
    • The data is kept for 6 years from the end of the financial year in which they relate.

When You Try to Log In

  • Lični podaci koje sami pružate
    • E-mail adresa
  • Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • What are the legal basis for collecting information about me?
    • Your consent in the following cases:
      • To verify your identity and grant access to your account
    • Controller's legitimate interests in the following cases:
      • Detecting, preventing, or otherwise addressing fraud, abuse, security, or technical issues with our services
  • Data Retention
    • 5 years

When You Write or Edit a Comment

This does not mean the comment field when you sign a petition.

  • Lični podaci koje sami pružate
    • Ime
    • E-mail adresa
    • Content of the comment
  • Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Svrha
    • To display and manage your comment on the platform
  • Pravni osnov
    • Consent of the data subject
  • How is my personal data shared?
    • -
  • Data Retention
    • Retained for as long as the petition has not been removed.

When You Make a Request to Manage Your Signatures

  • Lični podaci koje sami pružate
    • E-mail adresa
  • Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Svrha
    • To identify and provide you with the capability to manage your signatures
  • Pravni osnov
    • Consent of the data subject
  • Data Retention
    • 365 days

When You View any Page on Our Website

    Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Svrha
    • To measure the number of page views
    • To measure the number of visits
    • To improve the website
    • To analyze user behaviour
    • Detecting, preventing, or otherwise addressing fraud, abuse, security, or technical issues with our services
  • Pravni osnov
    • Controller's legitimate interests
  • Data Retention
    • 365 days

When You View an Ad of Petition on Our Website

    Lični podaci koje nam vaš preglednik automatski dostavlja
    • IP adresa
    • Rezolucija ekrana
    • Naziv preglednika i broj njegove verzije
    • Operativni sistem i broj njegove verzije
  • Svrha
    • Measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns
    • To target petition ads better
  • Pravni osnov
    • Controller's legitimate interests
  • Data Retention
    • 365 days

When you click Facebook Share Button

  • When you click the Facebook share button on our website, you have the option to share content from our site on your Facebook profile.
  • Clicking this button may result in Facebook collecting data about you, such as your interaction with the button and the date and time of the action. However, Facebook only receives this information when you actively click the share button.

Your Privacy with Facebook

  • These features are governed by Facebook's privacy policy, and we do not have control over how Facebook processes the data once it is shared.
  • We recommend reviewing Facebook’s privacy policy and your privacy settings on Facebook to understand how your data is handled.

Remember, using this Facebook feature is entirely optional. If you have any concerns about privacy related to this feature, you may choose to avoid using this feature.

When you click Facebook Login Button

  • We offer the option to sign in to our website using Facebook Login for your convenience.
  • When you use Facebook Login, Facebook will provide us with access to certain information in your Facebook account, as per your privacy settings on Facebook. This can include your name, email, and profile picture.
  • Please note that Facebook only shares this information with us if you choose to use Facebook Login and give consent for data sharing.

Your Privacy with Facebook

  • These features are governed by Facebook's privacy policy, and we do not have control over how Facebook processes the data once it is shared.
  • We recommend reviewing Facebook’s privacy policy and your privacy settings on Facebook to understand how your data is handled.

Remember, using this Facebook feature is entirely optional. If you have any concerns about privacy related to this feature, you may choose to avoid using this feature.

When you click WhatsApp Share Button

We have integrated a WhatsApp share button on our website. This feature allows you to share content from our site with others through WhatsApp. Here's how it affects your data:

  • When you click the WhatsApp share button, it enables you to share links or content from our website directly through your WhatsApp account.
  • Using this button may involve WhatsApp accessing information about your action, such as the fact that you shared a specific link. However, WhatsApp only receives this information when you actively use the share button.
  • We do not collect any personal data through the use of the WhatsApp share button. However, WhatsApp's data processing practices are governed by its own privacy policy.

We recommend reviewing WhatsApp’s privacy policy to understand how your data is handled when using this feature. Remember, using the WhatsApp share button is completely optional.

Personal data we receive if you pay us using payment processor PayTrail

  • Vaše ime
  • Name of your bank

Personal data we receive if you pay us using payment processor Paypal

  • Vaše ime
  • E-mail adresa
  • Broj telefona
  • Residence country

Kada primite e-mail od nas ili nam pošaljete e-mail


Google Services for Email Handling: We utilize Google's email services for both sending emails to our users and storing emails we receive. This integration with Google allows us to maintain efficient, reliable communication and ensure that our email records are securely managed.

Data Processing: The use of Google's email services involves processing personal data, including but not limited to, email addresses and the content of the emails. This processing is essential for the delivery and storage of emails, enabling us to keep in touch with our users and effectively manage our services.

Data Protection: We take the privacy and security of your personal data seriously. Google provides robust security measures to protect the data processed through its email services against unauthorized access, loss, or compromise. In line with our commitment to data protection, we have implemented appropriate safeguards to ensure that your personal data is handled securely and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Legal Basis: Our use of Google's email services to send and store emails is based on our legitimate interest in utilizing secure and efficient tools for business communication. This practice helps us in fulfilling our contractual obligations, providing support, and delivering important information to our users.


We utilize Amazon Web Services Simple Email Service (AWS SES) as our email sending service.

Data Processing and Security: When sending emails via AWS SES, certain personal data, including email addresses and potentially names (if included in the email content), are processed through AWS's servers.

Legal Basis for Using AWS SES: The use of AWS SES for email communication is based on our legitimate interests in utilizing efficient and secure methods for sending emails to our users.

Data Protection: We have implemented appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and security of your data when processed by AWS SES. This includes data encryption in transit and adherence to strict data processing agreements that comply with applicable data protection laws.

Za više informacija o načinu na koji AWS rukuje podacima i njihovoj posvećenosti zaštiti podataka, pogledajte AWS Obavijest o Privatnosti.

Prava lica na koja se podaci odnose

  • Pravo na pristup informacijama o obradi ličnih podataka
  • Pravo na pristup njihovim podacima
  • Pravo na ispravku njihovih podataka
  • Pravo na brisanje njihovih podataka i da budu zaboravljeni
  • Pravo na ograničavanje obrade njihovih podataka
  • Pravo na prenosivost podataka
  • Pravo na prigovor na obradu njihovih podataka
  • Pravo da ne budete podvrgnuti odluci koja se temelji isključivo na automatiziranoj obradi

Ako želite ostvariti bilo koje od ovih prava, molimo vas da nas kontaktirate koristeći naš kontakt obrazac.